SAN DIEGO -- [EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION NEWS] -- October 16, 2007 – MIR3™, the technology leader in Intelligent Notification (IN®) solutions for global enterprises, announced today that Brown University in Providence, R.I., has enhanced campus safety and communications with the implementation of inCampusAlert™, an emergency notification system that supports all types of voice- and text-based communication devices.
Brown University will use MIR3’s Web-based inCampusAlert to deliver two-way advisories and instructions to nearly 20,000 students, faculty, staff and others via cell phones, satellite phones, land lines, wireless PDA, text pager, email and other communication devices.
Walter C. Hunter, vice-president of administration and chief risk officer at Brown University said, “The MIR3 emergency notification platform improves our ability to communicate quickly and effectively with our community in emergency situations.”“We’ll emphasize the importance of keeping contact information, such as cell phone numbers and email addresses, current,” said Hunter. “We’ll also be testing the system regularly so that our students, staff and faculty know what to expect and can appreciate the speed and power of the system first hand. By periodically testing the system, we’ll also know what contact information needs to be updated.”
Brown University began exploring faster, more reliable communication solutions several months ago. After evaluating the technology of several emergency notification vendors, the contract with MIR 3 was signed during the summer, and the system is already operational.
According to Amir Moussavian, MIR3 president and CEO, “Using inCampusAlert, a school can set up a secure, high-speed notification system in minutes without having to purchase or install software, hardware or extra phone lines. Its flexibility and ease of use allow customers to send messages from almost anywhere, any time and to any type of device. Additionally, inCampusAlert can be used for both urgent and important message delivery to the entire campus or to selected groups, such as specific schools, buildings, dormitories or academic departments.”
Additionally, through its OEM partnership with Edulink Systems, Inc. in Anaheim, Calif., MIR3 has shown strong performance and market leadership in the K-12 arena. Edulink has helped more than 50 school districts dynamically build emergency call lists straight from their student information system and incorporate emergency notification capabilities into their parent communication plans. These districts include some of the largest in the United States, such as Prince William County Schools, San Bernardino USD and Arlington ISD.
Source: Vendor Press Release
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