Companies to integrate GSS's FM broadcasting capabilities with 3n's multi-channel notification systemJackson, Miss. --[EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION NEWS]-- Aug. 2, 2007 – Global Security Systems (GSS) and 3n (National Notification Network), a mass notification system provider, announced today a partnership to integrate 3n's mass notification solution with GSS's pioneering ALERT FM, an FM-based digital alert and messaging system. The combination of these two technologies will, for the first time, provide state and local government agencies with a one-stop solution for their community emergency notification needs.
“Our partnership with 3n is a win-win for those managing the dissemination of critical information,” said Bobby Adams, GSS president and CEO. “ALERT FM’s personal alert and messaging brings Radio Data System (RDS) technology to the table along with the reliability and redundancy that comes with the use of a pre-existing network of FM towers. By partnering with 3n, ALERT FM adds a robust communication channel to the mix while being able to operate on a much broader scale.”
ALERT FM incorporates Radio Data System (RDS) technology to send digital information using conventional FM radio infrastructure. Targeted alerts and messages are delivered by satellite to FM transmission towers and can be received on ALERT FM receivers and other mobile devices, including PDAs, cell phones and other specialized receivers equipped with FM chips.
Customers of the joint GSS and 3n solution will also be able to receive timely weather alerts and updates through a direct feed from the NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), providing valuable weather- and emergency-related information necessary to deal with any natural disaster.
About Global Security Systems, LLC and ALERT FM
Global Security Systems (GSS) is a systems integrator, service provider and manufacturer of homeland security and natural disaster ALERT FM systems. The company has its headquarters in Jackson, Miss. with offices in Louisiana, Florida, and Washington, D.C. ALERT FM is a personal alert and messaging system that enables state and local government and private sector officials to create and send digital alerts and messages. Potential messages include tornado warnings, homeland security notices, hurricane evacuation instructions, utility notices, plant or school closings, employee notifications and traffic alerts. First responders, school officials and citizens can receive these alerts and messages based on geographic or organizational groupings through specially designed ALERT FM receivers or any device equipped with a standard FM chip. For more information log on to
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